Add a 365 Authenticator App
Starting from the 23rd of August Microsoft are pushing for a major security update.
Basically, they are requiring all Microsoft accounts to have an Authenticator app to increase account security. Think of this like two keys to access your emails.
To reduce the impact on our loyal clients we have made a video and a created a couple of guides on how to set up this 2FA method.
Why do we need to do this ?
How to setup the Microsoft Authenticator app
PDF Guide Add-Microsoft-Authenticator
Why is Microsoft doing this? To increase account security to help reduce account hax’s
Why do we need this? To increase account security
What if someone leaves the company? No worries TranTech can remove the app and reset it.
Does it cost? No the App is free
Can we still use text codes? Yes if they were already setup
Can one office mobile phone be used for many accounts? Yes
If I don’t do anything what will happen? Your emails will keep working however Microsoft will stop letting you access them until this is setup.
Can TranTech help? Of course, however standard remote support rates apply.
What if I don’t know my password? Call us, TranTech can assist.